Wednesday, December 30, 2020

CAV - Beached Animals

Concise/Abridged version:

Beached [dolphins] have a high-chance of having [flesh-eating bacteria]. Don't touch or solve unless you are a specialist. Contact specialist.

Full version:

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Another Perspective Of Manipulation

Another perspective of manipulative, is, the other person is incompetent or weak.

Pretty much, everyone is manipulative. Some just don't realize they're doing it, and most do it soo subtly, others don't realize it's happening. Very often, the subtlety has become a habit and a social norm. Take commercials ' guilt ' "destiny" ' and complements, for instance. They all, "secretly", cause you to do something in favour of the other person/organization. They didn't direct or ask you to do something; they've, just, made you feel a certain way and let you get to the conclusion they want. 

The worst type of manipulation is when it's done out of fear of exile. The inknowledge of their own fears of exile; the inknowledge of their manipulation; the inknowledge of if they, actually, agree with what they're passing along. Bigots or Haters are, sometimes, examples of inknowledge manipulation. They will shame ' guilt ' and attempt conversion of others into their way, but their way is a direct response of "fitting in". 

When people try to fit in, they will obscure themselves and their ideas (internally/personally) into pleasing others, so, others don't reject or abandon them. During this process, their manipulation is not "their own". As such, their manipulation can be considered as "not" manipulation, as it's not their will to begin with. However, because they are, still, manipulating, and they are inaware of their entirety, this form of manipulation is near-impossible to identify for either party, which makes it "the worst".

Under manipulation: as long as someone else does something they wouldn't normally do, and it's because they've communicated with you, you've manipilated them. It may take seconds... It may take years.

And, yes, there is such a thing as others legitimately-agreeing with you, and, that, can go either way, but convincement and influence is, just, another form of manipulation. The main difference, is, their realization and authentic desire to go a specific path because they've chosen to - under great consideration of information. (Not every path is a personal choice; some are followings... And some followings turn into leading, which obscure the origin of belief/not-what-i-wanted.)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Addiction (title part 1)

I struggle with addiction all the time. The addiction is soo strong, I don't, even, notice it's there or what it's doing. Every time I eat ' every time I sleep ' every time I wake up... it's my addiction taking hold. Every time I communicate and learn and have relationships, it's my addiction taking hold. It's at the point, where, I believe... without my addiction I am nothing, I am no more. Can I try to stop my addiction ? Can I try to change my ways ? Will I be "brave" enough? What method would I use ? How long will it take ? Will I still be me, after I quit ? Is quitting, even, an option ? Is it possible to keep the addiction going halfway ? These are the things I think about, while wondering why life is my addiction. 

Addicted To Life (title part 2)


Sunday, February 2, 2020

The 2 Worst Questions To, Ever, Register, Fully

WARNING: The article you are about to read may ruin your life, forever. If you are not delusion enough, you should avoid this article, while you, still, can. Lacking in delusion involves registering reality as reality, and not a warpage from emotions. Some realities are best avoided.

Question 1: "And, then, what !?"

If you've ever felt (dis)satisfied after accomplishing something, you might have asked this question - struggling to know or imagine the potential or effects of your success. However, you may have posed the question, then, quickly, ignored it. However, if you continue, you're going to find it difficult to ignore it, anymore. 

('Still time to be ignorant.)

So, to fully realize what "and, then, what !?" really means, or the e/a-ffects of it, you'll have to keep asking that question after EVERY "conclusion". 

Here are some (or THE) examples:
  - go to school (then what ?)
  - get a job (then what ?)
  - be wealthy (then what ?)
  - have no worries (then what ?)
  - have a family (then what?)
  - usher in the next generation (TW ?)
  - have grand children (TW ?)
  - save the world (TW ?) 
(let's say you believe in an after-corporeal-life)
  - (fast-tracked) live with God (TW?)
  - TW ???

all that to live with God ? Why not just suicide and expressway yourself to god ? But... Even so.... TW ??

Question 2: "What's the point !?"

If you've ever been forced to do something you didn't understand or found futility in certain actions, you might have asked this question. 

Since you've "G'ed it out" with question one, I'll get straight to it (irony joke).

  - what's the point of an education if you learn what you need while you're "accomplishing" the task ?
  - what's the point of being successful if many "insuccessful" people live through 90yo ?
  - what's the point of being good if you're, still, hated by certain people or, still, get an incurable disease ?
  - what's the point of trying to improve the world if most or no one agrees ?
  - what's the point of being happy if you're, still, going to die ?
  - what's the point of learning new information if you're, still, going to die ?
  - what's the point of teaching if you're students are, still, going to die ?
  - what's the point of life if the result is death ?

When you realize the universe existed long before the abstract-understanding-of-life began, and will continue to exist long after the extinction of the abstract-understanding-of-life, you'll come to the conclusion, that, all value applied by humans is "worthless" - that, there IS no point. 

If Flatland's Model Is Correct...

Visualizing the First ' Second ' Third ' and (hinting at) the Forth dimensions, Flatland (story) describes an existence, where, all the dimensions interact with each other (however limited). If this expression is believed, then, would it be too farfetched to imagine the 3Dness in the universe is the 4th dimension seeping into our 3D "plane" ?

Would it be soo difficult to imagine a galaxy or nebula as, simply, the fragments of a 4D thing "bleeding" through ?

The theory would be, the cluster of things we see, in space, is, actually, part of a larger thing we CAN'T see... And, only, bits of it can penetrate the 3rd dimension, but, because it's one thing, it has to stay together, like a nebula or galaxy. 

Maybe the galaxies ' nebulas ' rogue objects are, even, all, 4D biological cells (???)

Beyond The 3rd Dimension

Is it possible we, already, think beyond the 3rd dimension (excluding the assumption/claim of Time being the 4th) ? 

When designing electronic components and chips and mapping out linkage, it is, often, tackled in a way that goes beyond X ' Y ' and Z - there are layers ' loops ' and metadata. None of those things are actions (therefore, cannot be considered as Time). Some of these processes and designs are mapped in a cluster or ideas paralleled by another cluster of ideas. Imagine a unique ' inperfect ' glass sphere, with trapped bubbles; then, imagine a second unique ' inperfect ' glass sphere, with trapped bubbles; now, imagine they're both ghosts and they move into each other's occupational-space; this is how the parallel clusters of ideas would be like.

So, when loops ' layers ' and two clusters occuping the same location exists, is it inpossible to consider the 4th dimension existing within our "grasp" ?

Very-often, I've had the need to map things out in an inconventional way, where, standard methods are too primative and things like "above the page", "next to the page", "nowhere near the page", and "within the words" are needed. Some examples expressing the evident-need resides in the use of hyperlinks ' super/sub-script links ' and encrypted text {(in)obviously}. (However, being without coding skills, I've had to find ways of "fudging it" to have everything fit inside the page. Though, i HAVE used Post-Its.)

Now, aside from mapping and designing, the concept of emotions presents the same clusterfuck of dimensions -- provoking the thought of the 4th dimension being something we're, already, in. 

And, being, that, the first and second dimensions are, technically, not accessible to our five main senses, this fourth dimension could, easily, fit right in. So... In abstract-theory, it seems reasonable for our current-reality to contain the fourth dimension and for us to be maneuvering it, already.