When designing electronic components and chips and mapping out linkage, it is, often, tackled in a way that goes beyond X ' Y ' and Z - there are layers ' loops ' and metadata. None of those things are actions (therefore, cannot be considered as Time). Some of these processes and designs are mapped in a cluster or ideas paralleled by another cluster of ideas. Imagine a unique ' inperfect ' glass sphere, with trapped bubbles; then, imagine a second unique ' inperfect ' glass sphere, with trapped bubbles; now, imagine they're both ghosts and they move into each other's occupational-space; this is how the parallel clusters of ideas would be like.
So, when loops ' layers ' and two clusters occuping the same location exists, is it inpossible to consider the 4th dimension existing within our "grasp" ?
Very-often, I've had the need to map things out in an inconventional way, where, standard methods are too primative and things like "above the page", "next to the page", "nowhere near the page", and "within the words" are needed. Some examples expressing the evident-need resides in the use of hyperlinks ' super/sub-script links ' and encrypted text {(in)obviously}. (However, being without coding skills, I've had to find ways of "fudging it" to have everything fit inside the page. Though, i HAVE used Post-Its.)
Now, aside from mapping and designing, the concept of emotions presents the same clusterfuck of dimensions -- provoking the thought of the 4th dimension being something we're, already, in.
And, being, that, the first and second dimensions are, technically, not accessible to our five main senses, this fourth dimension could, easily, fit right in. So... In abstract-theory, it seems reasonable for our current-reality to contain the fourth dimension and for us to be maneuvering it, already.
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