Thursday, December 26, 2013

Emotional Language

Are we taught or forced to feel before we can use logic ??

"Bad day" vs "day bad"
"Bad movie" vs "movie bad"
"Good story" vs "story good"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Proper Smart Phone/Computer Etiquette.

When using someone else's device:
1) do not change any settings that will effect many things.
2) if you need to change a simple setting like lighting or sound, change it back in the end.
3) do not visit intensive sites like Facebook, YouTube, or porn.
4) do not use device as if the owner donated it to you.
5) wipe your hands before touching the device.
6) hold on tightly as if it were a baby.
7) do not back out of anything originally open, just open a new tab or go to the desktop (press home button for home page)
8) do not over write anything (including webpages)
9) do not close anything originally opened.
10) do not turn the device off because YOU are done with it.
11) ignore any of the above if you have preknowledge of otherwise.