Monday, March 16, 2015


Some people don't, but I mind being ignored.

It's a sign of Worth, Respect, Arrogance, and Stupidity.

WORTH - the person being ignored is not worth a few seconds of acknowledgement or response.
RESPECT - kind of synonymous to Worth, but venturing into the professional/political side of things, where an automated generation of response is not even available.
ARROGANCE - the person ignoring thinks they're too good to respond to trivial/simple things, and the only thing that matters is others accepting their expressions as if what they express is the sole benefaction of the world.
STUPID - often times, the person ignoring views the msg of the ignored as in(not)valuable and seeks great(er) value. This action neglects the potential of future value (potentially far greater than what they seek) from the ignored, thus, basically, "stepping on your own toe", as well as perpetually failng to discover the goal of value.