Thursday, December 26, 2013

Emotional Language

Are we taught or forced to feel before we can use logic ??

"Bad day" vs "day bad"
"Bad movie" vs "movie bad"
"Good story" vs "story good"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Proper Smart Phone/Computer Etiquette.

When using someone else's device:
1) do not change any settings that will effect many things.
2) if you need to change a simple setting like lighting or sound, change it back in the end.
3) do not visit intensive sites like Facebook, YouTube, or porn.
4) do not use device as if the owner donated it to you.
5) wipe your hands before touching the device.
6) hold on tightly as if it were a baby.
7) do not back out of anything originally open, just open a new tab or go to the desktop (press home button for home page)
8) do not over write anything (including webpages)
9) do not close anything originally opened.
10) do not turn the device off because YOU are done with it.
11) ignore any of the above if you have preknowledge of otherwise.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Linguistics - Nudity

Why do people always get this wrong...

Nude and Naked means there is no amount of clothing attached to the body. That includes socks, gloves, underwear, hats, pants, and shirts.

The secondary meaning of Naked and Nude, which is more lenient, involves the idea that to be clothed one is to cover their sex tools (face, breasts, butt, vagina, penis). In this meaning, Nude and Naked refers to the exposure of the sex tools while other parts may be covered.

The failure definition is having underwear on. That's called half-naked, partial-nudity, and a tease.

Failure to use it properly will mark you as an idiot, a fool, or conniving.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cubicle Psychology

The human mind is so vast, given given any amount of space, humans will undoubtedly use it all. Take this cubicle for instance, though it isn't cluttered, every inch is actually being utilized, including the supposed that seem empty.

The human mind requires constant reminders (hanging papers), requires focus and priority (tabled paper), requires reference (cabineted paper), and requires time to process (empty space).

This cubicle is the perfect example of the human mind. In relation, every cubicle is a reflection of the human mind directly associated with that cubicle; clear, cluttered, organized, random, partly cluttered and partly organized, all reflections of an individual.

*Credit to Christopher Durenberger who allowed this image and thought to occur.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Theory Of Marriage

Marriage is a contract involving two or more immediate people and the entire state/country.

When acted upon, follows limitations and actions beneficial to one or more parties and taxing on the other(s).

The state/country is bound by the contract to offer "benefits" to the immediate people should the immediate people request such "benefits".

The contract is mostly a service produced by the state/country to offer relief to those who choose to obligate themselves, for a duration, to remain connected with each other meta-mentally, meta-physically, and responsibility and task wise.

When two people are not "allowed" to be married, it is simply the state/country stating "we do not want to sign this contract because we do not want to provide more expenses towards the people.".

Those feeling injustice are simply stating "I want to use you for something because I'm unskilled to utilize the individuals-benefit, but you're not allowing me to use you, and my incompetence won't allow that."

This contract is suspended upon the arise of war. During war, rations and specialty treatments for the immediate people within the marriage contract do not exist.

Within every societies law there are loopholes and individuals-benefits, both stated and hinted. Exploring these individually beneficial terms will allow one to relatively mimic the benefits of a marriage contract, thus rendering the marriage contract useless.