Monday, March 16, 2015


Some people don't, but I mind being ignored.

It's a sign of Worth, Respect, Arrogance, and Stupidity.

WORTH - the person being ignored is not worth a few seconds of acknowledgement or response.
RESPECT - kind of synonymous to Worth, but venturing into the professional/political side of things, where an automated generation of response is not even available.
ARROGANCE - the person ignoring thinks they're too good to respond to trivial/simple things, and the only thing that matters is others accepting their expressions as if what they express is the sole benefaction of the world.
STUPID - often times, the person ignoring views the msg of the ignored as in(not)valuable and seeks great(er) value. This action neglects the potential of future value (potentially far greater than what they seek) from the ignored, thus, basically, "stepping on your own toe", as well as perpetually failng to discover the goal of value.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Personal Dictionary

**These are not finalized, the definitions may need tweaking, and sub-words may be added.**

Diagonalize (dy-æ-ga-nuh-ly-z) - To cross in a slant; to cross diagonally (indirectly related to J-walking). (etymology - Diagonal 'at an angle' & -ize 'place into effect')
Diagonalize - To cross in a slant.
Diagonalization - The act of crossing in a slant.
Diagonalizationism - The concept of the act of crossing in a slant.
Rediagonalize - To cross slantedly again.
Rediagonalization - The act of crossing slantedly again.
Rediagonalizationism - The concept of the act of crossing slantedly again.
Antidiagonalize - To oppose crossing in a slant.
Antidiagonalization - To oppose the act of crossing in a slant.
Antidiagonalizationism - To oppose the concept of crossing in a slant. OR.
Antirediagonalize - To oppose the repeat of crossing in a slant.
Antirediagonalization - To oppose the repeated act of crossing in a slant.
Antirediagonalizationism - To oppose the repeated concept of crossing in a slant. OR. The concept of opposing the repeated act of crossing in a slant.
Dichotic (dy-kah-tic) - Capable of having opposing views simultaneously.
(etymology - Dichotomy 'of two perspectives or opposing things' & psychotic [colloquial] 'to be hyperabnormally expressing and thinking')
Dichot (dy-kot) - A person who is capable of having opposing views simultaneously.
Optochromasense (ahp-toh-krOm-ah-sen-s) - The ablilty to detect colour with the eyes. (etymology - Opto 'eyes', Chroma 'colour', & Sense 'sensitivity')
Aoptochromasense (ay-ahp-toh-krOm-ah-sen-s) - The inability to detect colour with the eyes; senseless to colour.
Prooptochromasense (pro-ahp-toh-krOm-ah-sen-s) - A hightened/great ability to detect colours with the eyes (above the norm).
Maloptochromasense (mal-ahp-toh-krOm-ah-sen-s) - A lowered/weak ability to detect colours with the eyes (below the norm).
Sporadicumania (spor-ra-di-Q-may-nia) - An obsession that occurs randomly for random topics for a short period of time; temporary obsession.
(etymology - Sporadic 'random occurance' & Mania 'obsession')

Anomolic (æ-no-mah-lik) - Exhibiting traits of anomaly
Animalic (æ-nih-mah-lik) - Exhibiting traits of animal instincts, sensitivity, and strength.

Moses - a person who split the sea
Moses (moh-zis) - to section off a body of water

PlusNeutral Minus Nonexistent
Pro <Root>MalA

Traditional Divorces

How come we don't have traditional divorces ?

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today by <so and so> to witness the infidelity of matrimony. To divide what was once joined and cherrished, loved and joyous. By the grace of the state and the safety of mental being, we will commence the separation of a soiled union. ....

Do you <so 1> promise to abandon and forfeit all that is joined ' felt ' and sacred, and to deny any romantic interest towards the opposing party till the end of time ?

And do you, <so 2> promise to abandon and forfeit all that is joined ' felt ' and sacred, and to deny any romantic interest towards the opposing party till the end of time ?

You may both spit on each other."