I like how society allows baby companies (or just babies) to roam around like they're grownups that makes sense... whereas if smaller companies or inpopular people were to be babies and do the same shit, they'd be arrested ' enprisoned ' and shunned.
Like, how recycling and regular trashing is not enough, you have to separate the items by type and fooded and infooded.. what next ? Build our own recycling plant ? If waste management is not a job people want, stop pretending, fire everyone, and let the shit storm rise in the streets.
Like, how we have to use less water, even though we have to move towards better water purification systems, anyway... And how there's a minimum usage charge, even, when you're way below minimum usage. it becomes a double financial gain for the companies - lower production of fresh water and higher income for lower water usage.
Like, how milk crates are illegal to use outside of dairy company operations, but, somehow, it's okay for the companies to block roads ' leave their items inattended in the streets ' use expensive and damaging resources to make crates ' and make people buy 400% markups for lower quality versions. And, to top things off, no one gives a crap about the stolen/borrowed crates that were returned.
Hello, I have been trying to find a way to contact you. I have a project that could be very profitable for you. Please contact me. Ruth Davies.