Friday, February 18, 2011

Material Storage

Using our abilities, fundamental facts, and future advances the idea of space storage seems like a reasonable and "efficient" way to store material that would otherwise melt/evaporate at earth temperatures.

Support 1:  True space, "Outer Space", beyond the atmosphere, the temperature is at 2.73° Kelvin (K), which is not zero "due to radiation from the formation of the universe".
Support 2Oxygen freezes/melts at 54.36° K which is far above 2.73° K. Carbon Monoxide freezes at 68° K. (carbon dioxide may be a diminishing problem, but if it weren't, splitting CO2 would be the only other method to solving the excess problem. by splitting CO2 into C and O2, diamond/graphite and oxygen/ozone are the main compounds that result in the splitting and an abundance of oxygen and ozone can be deadly.)
Support 3:  Future advances will allow Space Elevators to easily and efficiently move matter from and to Earth.

Just imagine, along side of satellites and the moon you can have dense~stable concentrations of gases that cause harm to homosapiens and other creatures. When it's there, whenever a large amount is required, all anyone has to do is take a space elevator, possibly with a tiny spaceship (which is easier to make than a submarine), to acquire the material.

Friday, February 11, 2011




just curious to see how many actually knows the following (without cheating): C12H22O11?

Making Stuff

PBS Making Stuff

making things smaller, smarter, cleaner, stronger.

Elements in multiple colours simply by changing it's size and shape....

non-mechanical robot?? a new way of thinking about robots...

Watch the full episode. See more NOVA.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Selective Human Breeding

how does this work? are we capable of such selflessness? will humanity be able to think of the future generations and reproduce based on biological traits instead of superficial features?

there are people with cancer resistive traits, people with the ability to produce antioxidants in abundance...

what about the people with a genius brain but a defective social brain? will the next generation made from autism and "normality" be a product of bad design, or will it be "perfection"?

perhaps it is time to genetically merge and alter to accomplish desired traits to strengthen the human race.